Competition Olympiade Beijing 2022

Starting position & Idea

The Taizicheng region is in need of a resort and a new Nordic area for the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022. The organising committee has therefore called for participation in a realisation competition. The Swiss team and the teams from Canada, Australia, Finland and France made it through the two qualifying rounds with flying colours.

Solution Approach

The idea for the «Nordic Cluster Project», which Fanzun worked out in collaboration with three other corporations, is based on the Olympic Rings and the Great Wall of China. The purpose oft he «Nordic Cluster» is to connect the stadiums and the platform. The three levels inside the ring provide three transportation systems each: a pedestrian area, a cable car and a motorway. There is also enough space inside for shopping areas, hotels and restaurants.


The Olympic Games are a story of success. However the use of  the infrastructure after the games often leaves something missing. The building has therefore two criteria to pass. Firstly it has to be suitable for winter and summer events and secondly it still has the unmistakably recognition factor of the Winter Olympic Games Beijing 2022.


Developer: The state of China and the organising committee of the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022.
Completion: not published
Project type: New building
Project author: Fanzun AG, Küchel Architects AG, Generis AG und BG Ingenieure und Berater AG
Construction costs: not published Mil
Scope of services: Cost Planning, , Development, Design, Architecture, Energy, Construction Management

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