
Take an early lead

The interfaces in a construction project are becoming more numerous, the stumbling blocks trickier. We possess the expertise to guide you efficiently to the goal.

We offer well-honed project management services with the motto «in time, in budget, in quality». No more, no less. Depending on your needs, we can assume overall project supervision and project control, client representation or organise competitions. Always goal-oriented and 100% in your interest.

Client representation

As a client representative and fiduciary, we will assist and represent you in your roles as a principal. We will ensure that your needs and interests are best served and responsibly monitor the use of your funds and resources. We have at our disposal, a solid controlling and reporting system to give you an up-to-date overview of the project status at any time.

Competition organization

Architecture competitions generate variants and ideas from different perspectives. We will assume all the tasks involved from professional planning and preparation to efficient execution and document the process clearly.

Project supervision and project control

Success in building depends on putting the right people in key functions and organising them efficiently. As experienced project supervisors, we lead design teams and the executing agencies. Our project supervisors have at their disposal efficient management instruments and demonstrable leadership abilities. The will control processes to ensure smooth progress from design to handover.

Core competencies

Client representation, project supervision, project control, organising competitions.

Gehren Senior Citizens’ Competence and Service Centre, ErlenbachAltersheim Pflegeheim Neuer Gehren Erlenbach

Gehren Senior Citizens’ Competence and Service Centre, Erlenbach

Construction Management, Guidance

All in one Hotel InnLodge, Celerinad 1920x1280 0740 all in one hotel inn lodge celerina

All in one Hotel InnLodge, Celerina

Project Management, Construction Management, Design, Guidance

AQA Aeschbach Quartier Site nos. 2+4, AarauAQA Aeschbach Quartier Aarau

AQA Aeschbach Quartier Site nos. 2+4, Aarau

Project Management, Construction Management, Guidance

Carlton Hotel, St. MoritzCarlton Hotel St Moritz

Carlton Hotel, St. Moritz

Development, Design, Project Management, Guidance, Construction Management, General Planning

Chasa Valbella, Taraspd 1920x1280 0509 ferienhaus chasa valbella tarasp

Chasa Valbella, Tarasp

Project Management, Development, Construction Management, Strategy, Design, Guidance, General Planning

Entrance hall of Bogn Engiadina baths, Scuold 1920x1280 eingangshalle bogn engiadina scuol

Entrance hall of Bogn Engiadina baths, Scuol

Project Management, Development, Construction Management, Strategy, Design, Guidance

EMA House Serviced Apartments, ZurichEMA House Serviced Apartments Zuerich

EMA House Serviced Apartments, Zurich

Construction Management, Development, Strategy, Guidance

Energy system for
Muottas Muragl, Samedan
Energieystem Muottas Muragl Samedan

Energy system for
Muottas Muragl, Samedan

Development, Construction Management, Project Management, Guidance, General Planning

Rossboden Commercial Centre, Churd 1920x1280 0939 gewerbehaus rossboden chur

Rossboden Commercial Centre, Chur

Project Management, Development, Construction Management, Strategy, Guidance, Design

Isogips warehouse, Rhäzünswerbehalle Isogips Rhäzüns 004

Isogips warehouse, Rhäzüns

Construction Management, Project Management, Design, Guidance, General Planning

HCD Kristall Club, Davosd 1920x1280 0826 hcd kristallclub davos

HCD Kristall Club, Davos

Development, Construction Management, Design, Project Management, Guidance

Hotel Belvedere, Dubrovnik (Croatia)

Hotel Belvedere, Dubrovnik (Croatia)

Construction Management, Strategy, Guidance

Hotel Dolder Waldhaus, Zurichd 1920x1280 0903 dolder waldhaus zuerich

Hotel Dolder Waldhaus, Zurich

Construction Management, Guidance

Hotel La Val, BrigelsHotel La Val-Brigels

Hotel La Val, Brigels

Strategy, Construction Management, Guidance

Hotel Schweizerhof, Vulperad 1920x1280 1100 hotel schweizerhof vulpera

Hotel Schweizerhof, Vulpera

Project Management, Development, Construction Management, Strategy, Design, Guidance, General Planning

Hotel Seerose Resort & Spa, MeisterschwandenSeerose Resort Spa Meisterschwanden

Hotel Seerose Resort & Spa, Meisterschwanden


Hotel Steffani, St.Moritzd 1920x1280 0837 hotel steffani st moritz

Hotel Steffani, St.Moritz

Project Management, Development, Construction Management, Strategy, Design, Guidance, General Planning

IN LAIN Hotel Cadonau, Braild 1920x1280 0887 in lain hotel cadonau brail

IN LAIN Hotel Cadonau, Brail

Project Management, Development, Construction Management, Guidance, General Planning, Design

CTL Industrial Building, Poschiavod 1920x1280 1081 industriehalle ctl poschiavo

CTL Industrial Building, Poschiavo

Project Management, Development, Construction Management, Strategy, Design, Guidance, General Planning

Innovations- und Kompetenzzentrum Viega Schweiz AG, Chur20x800

Innovations- und Kompetenzzentrum Viega Schweiz AG, Chur

Project Management, Development, Construction Management, Design, Guidance, General Planning

San Carlo Boromeo Church, Brusiod 1920x1280 0628 kirche san carlo boromeo brusio

San Carlo Boromeo Church, Brusio

Development, Construction Management, Project Management, Design, Guidance, General Planning

Löwenbräu Black Tower, ZurichLoewenbraeu Black Tower Zuerich

Löwenbräu Black Tower, Zurich

Construction Management, Guidance

Apartment Building F at Alte KEB, Churd 1920x1280 1039 Mehrfamilienhaus F Alte KEB Chur

Apartment Building F at Alte KEB, Chur

Project Management, Development, Construction Management, Design, Guidance, General Planning

Apartment building Centro Storico, Poschiavod 1920x1280 0843 mehrfamilienhaus centro storico poschiavo

Apartment building Centro Storico, Poschiavo

Project Management, Development, Design, Guidance, Construction Management, General Planning

ÖKK Headquarters, LandquartOEKK Hauptsitz Landquart

ÖKK Headquarters, Landquart

Project Management, Guidance, Construction Management, General Planning

OVAVERVA, St. MoritzOVAVERVA Hallenbad St Moritz

OVAVERVA, St. Moritz

Construction Management, Guidance

Chasa Sulai staff quarters for Belvédère Group, Scuold 1920x1280 0979 Personalhaus Chasa Sulai Belvedere Scuol

Chasa Sulai staff quarters for Belvédère Group, Scuol

Project Management, Development, Construction Management, Design, Guidance, General Planning

Farkas Oberengadin Senior Citizens’ Care and Nursing Home, Samedangezentrum Farkas Oberengadin Samedan 002

Farkas Oberengadin Senior Citizens’ Care and Nursing Home, Samedan


Senior Citizens’ Centre Pfauen, Bad Zurzachs Alterszentrum Hoefli Bad Zurzach-1

Senior Citizens’ Centre Pfauen, Bad Zurzach


Regional branch of Graubündner Kantonalbank, Arosakantonalbank graubuenden gkb filale arosa

Regional branch of Graubündner Kantonalbank, Arosa

Project Management, Construction Management, Design, Guidance, General Planning

Rheintal-Garage, ChurRheintalgarage Chur

Rheintal-Garage, Chur

Project Management, Development, Construction Management, Strategy, Design, Guidance, General Planning

Romantic Hotel Muottas Muragl, SamedanMountain Dining Romantik Hotel Muottas Muragl-1

Romantic Hotel Muottas Muragl, Samedan

Project Management, Construction Management, Design, Guidance, General Planning

Schulanlagen, Thusis

Schulanlagen, Thusis

Development, Strategy, Consulting, Guidance

Schulhaus Rheinau, Churd 1920x1280 0541 schulhaus rheinau chur

Schulhaus Rheinau, Chur

Project Management, Construction Management, Design, Guidance

School building, Valendasd 1920x1280 0668 schulhaus valendas

School building, Valendas

Project Management, Construction Management, Design, Guidance

Opera Mater Christi Senior Citizens‘ Home, Gronod 1920x1280 0861 seniorenresidenz opera mater christi grono

Opera Mater Christi Senior Citizens‘ Home, Grono

Development, Guidance

St. Verena Minster, Bad Zurzachd 1920x1280 0719 kirche st verenamuenster bad zurach

St. Verena Minster, Bad Zurzach


The Alpina Mountain Resort & Spa, TschiertschenAlpina Mountain Resort SpaV2

The Alpina Mountain Resort & Spa, Tschiertschen

Project Management, Development, Construction Management, Strategy, Design, Guidance, General Planning

The Dolder Grand, Zurichr Grand Zuerich

The Dolder Grand, Zurich

Strategy, Development, Construction Management, Guidance

Tschuggen Grand Hotel, Arosa Bergoase Arosa 002 2

Tschuggen Grand Hotel, Arosa

Construction Management, Project Management, General Planning, Guidance

Überbauung Curtin, Taraspd 1920x1280 0956 ueberbauung curtin tarasp

Überbauung Curtin, Tarasp

Project Management, Development, Construction Management, Design, Guidance, General Planning

Überbauung Monolit, Scuold 1920x1280

Überbauung Monolit, Scuol

Project Management, Development, Construction Management, Strategy, Design, Guidance, General Planning

Rössli site development, Arosad 1920x1280 0838 ueberbauung roessli arosa

Rössli site development, Arosa

Project Management, Development, Construction Management, Strategy, Design, Guidance

Area development, Waldeck, Flimsd 1920x1280 0866 ueberbauung waldeck flims

Area development, Waldeck, Flims

Project Management, Development, Strategy, Design, Guidance

Administrative building IBC, Churd 1920x1280 0915 verwaltungsgebaeude ibc chur

Administrative building IBC, Chur

Project Management, Development, Construction Management, Design, Guidance

Villa on Lake Zurichd 1920x1280 0935 Villa am Zuerichsee

Villa on Lake Zurich

Development, Construction Management, Design, Project Management, Guidance

Villa Larix, St. Moritz

Villa Larix, St. Moritz

Construction Management, Guidance

Wäscheria, Bad Ragazd 1920x1280 0893 waescheria bad ragaz

Wäscheria, Bad Ragaz

Project Management, Development, Construction Management, Design, Guidance

Industrial yard of Testa Group, Scuold 1920x1280 1124 werkhof testa gruppe scuol

Industrial yard of Testa Group, Scuol

Project Management, Development, Design, Guidance

Malloth residential and commercial building, St. Moritzd 1920x1280 0867 gewerbehaus malloth st moritz

Malloth residential and commercial building, St. Moritz

Development, Construction Management, Project Management, Design, Guidance, General Planning

Residential Buildings Alte KEB, Churd 1920x1280 1021 Wohnueberbauung Alte KEB Chur

Residential Buildings Alte KEB, Chur


Schachen Access Bridge, HolderbankZufahrtsbruecke Schachen Holderbank

Schachen Access Bridge, Holderbank

Project Management, Construction Management, Guidance

The Dolder Grand
Extension 2014, Zurich
The Dolder Grand Zuerich

The Dolder Grand
Extension 2014, Zurich

Strategy, Construction Management, Guidance

Kreiselgestaltung Sommerau-Rossbodenstrasse, Churer 1920x800

Kreiselgestaltung Sommerau-Rossbodenstrasse, Chur

Development, Design, Project Management, Guidance

Neubau Talstation Signalbahn, St. Moritzer 1920x800

Neubau Talstation Signalbahn, St. Moritz

Development, Design, Project Management, Guidance, Construction Management, General Planning

Überbauung Lürlibad, Churer 1920x800

Überbauung Lürlibad, Chur

Project Management, Development, Construction Management, Strategy, Design, Guidance, General Planning

Porta Cho d’Punt, Samedana-Header1-1920×1200

Porta Cho d’Punt, Samedan

Project Management, Development, Construction Management, Strategy, Design, Guidance, General Planning

Haus zum Mühlbach, Chur

Haus zum Mühlbach, Chur

Project Management, Development, Construction Management, Design, Guidance


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